Friday, February 1, 2008

Creative writing Q & A 1

1. Reading is important to writers because along with the ideas you can gain from someone's work, it also allows us to create a picture in our minds of the events taking place. Since writing is a creative process, any type of creative practice will obviously help you writing. Reading can also help us understand words we wouldn't know otherwise which might be able to tie together a scentence or scene we might be idling on. On the other hand we might gain more from simply writing then spliting our time reading others work in the sense that we create our own ideas instead of having a possible link to someone elses.

2. Something in the world that really concerns me would be theft. My family and I have had many possesions stolen. One example would be my letter jacket which was taken on the 31st of January. Obviously what can someone do with a letter jacket thats not their's? They can either take it and dump it or they can destroy it. They gain nothing from stealing such an item except for the satisfaction that they got back at the other team. The feeling you get when something you owned has been stolen is like no other. Your constantly dwelling on why it was stolen or what you could have done to prevent it. Obviously theft is not uncommon in just America.

3. One form of art that inspires me is fast paced music. Often it can aid me in re focusing or staying focused for a long period of time.

Rest of response deleted.

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